
Saturday May 13, 2023
Romans 5:12-21
Saturday May 13, 2023
Saturday May 13, 2023
We have been studying Romans. Focus: The Gift of Justification or Righteousness. We have been Justified! We have been declared Righteous! Gift of Justification 1. We have communion with God 2. We have eternal life. 3. We can be in the right relationship with God forever

Thursday May 04, 2023
We exult in God through our Lord Jesus Christ...Romans 5:1-11
Thursday May 04, 2023
Thursday May 04, 2023

Wednesday May 03, 2023
Faith is necessary for our Christian life. Romans 4:13-25
Wednesday May 03, 2023
Wednesday May 03, 2023
We are going through the Book of Romans The theme of the book: The Gospel --The Righteousness of God revealed In this video, you are going to hear more about faith and how we should understand Biblical faith.

Thursday Apr 20, 2023
Justification By Faith (Romans 4:1-12)
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
Romans is a study of the Gospel, the Good News. After telling us how all of us are unrighteous, we are told about God's Gift of Justification (or Righteousness) An understanding of Righteousness is necessary for us to understand the rest of the Gospel. #christianlife

Sunday Apr 09, 2023
Romans 3:27-31
Sunday Apr 09, 2023
Sunday Apr 09, 2023
The great Gift of Righteousness -The Gospel begins with the Gift of Righteousness -This is a Gift that is needed by everyone -This is a Gift that has been purchased by the blood of Jesus -We can now go before God in full confidence, in complete right standing before our God Some of the passages we are going to be looking at including Romans 3:27-31 are... I Peter 1:18-19, Romans 5:9, Hebrews 10:19-20...22-23, Hebrews 4:16, Revelation 7:9...13-15...12:10-12, Hebrews 10:29, Romans 1:17

Saturday Apr 08, 2023
Romans 3:21-26
Saturday Apr 08, 2023
Saturday Apr 08, 2023
In Romans 3:21-26 we have perhaps one of the most truth-packed two sentences ever written. God’s plan of salvation is clearly presented. Specifically, it tells us of the Gift of Justification. This is the greatest gift ever known to mankind. This is a Gift we receive by faith. It is a gift purchased at a very high cost, the blood of Jesus Christ. It is through this Gift that we receive forgiveness of our sins, eternal life, and all that God has prepared for us!

Sunday Mar 19, 2023
Romans 2:1-3:30
Sunday Mar 19, 2023
Sunday Mar 19, 2023
In this session we look at Romans 2:1 through Romans 3:20. Like last time, we continue to look at the “bad news” that characterizes the first three chapters of Romans. We see that these chapters describe three categories of people….those who are noticeably enslaved to sin, the moralist, and the religious person. Everyone falls into one of these categories. We see in these chapters that all of us are found unrighteous and all of us face the consequences of sin. This section of Romans prepares us for the “Good News” that we begin to look at in our next session.

Sunday Mar 05, 2023
Romans 1:18-32
Sunday Mar 05, 2023
Sunday Mar 05, 2023
Today’s passage is Romans 1:18-32. This begins a section in Romans that goes through to the middle of chapter 3. We might call this section “The Bad News.” In this passage, we see how sin leads to more sin. In fact, it is like a giant mudslide or avalanche. Sin, and its consequences, get worse and worse, and faster and faster. All people, all of society, and every institution man creates follow this pattern, more or less. And apart from God’s intervention with the Gospel, the message is bleak and scary. Why talk so much about the bad news? Because it provides a contrast to when we get to the Good News! It makes us appreciate and see so much clearer the Good News!

Sunday Feb 26, 2023
Romans 1:1-17
Sunday Feb 26, 2023
Sunday Feb 26, 2023
Today we look at Romans 1:1-17. Paul gives us an introduction to the book in these verses. Especially important are verses 16-17 where we see what might be considered the theme of the book. The Righteousness of God is being revealed through the Gospel! We also introduce three keys words or truths that will be expanded throughout the book of Romans: the Gospel, the Righteousness of God, and faith.

Sunday Feb 26, 2023
The Book of Romans (introduction)
Sunday Feb 26, 2023
Sunday Feb 26, 2023
We begin a new series today on the book of Romans. In this session we will do a brief overview of the New Testament. This is important because we need to understand the concerns brought up in the book of Romans concerning the Jews and Gentiles. This was a major issue for the early Church, but it also has many ramifications for us today.